Kicked Out Of Colorado!

This photo was taken at the “Sheriffs Rally for the Recall” organized by Tamra Farah and held in Colorado Springs at the Pioneers Museum.  Speakers included Sheriff Terry Meketa of El Paso County and several other Sheriffs from around the state.

Dear Conservative Friends,

President Obama called Tuesday’s Colorado Recall Election, “The example of true gun control!”  Strict, new gun control laws in Colorado were the heart of the matter for the Tuesday September 10th recall.  The recall was against two senators which backed the gun-grabbing spotlight.  Democratic FORMER state senators John Morse and Angela Giron got their comeuppance! 

Congratulations Colorado – Great work!

The gun-grabber position was elevated by the liberal Governor John Hickenlooper, who campaigned against the Second Amendment.  But much of the state is “rural” and attractive to hunters and gun enthusiasts.  Colorado parks and wildlife areas are supported by the hunters and fisherman coming Colorado every year from all over the world. 

Colorado elite leaders clearly didn’t think this through!  

President Obama used Colorado as a “litmus test” for gun control nationwide.  Anti-gun activists from out of state, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Eli Broad of Detroit paid for over $700,000 for recent anti-gun ads. 

Mayor Bloomberg personally gave $350,000 to a group fighting the recall effort, “wasted his money.”

Giron said before the BOOT that if either recall vote succeeded, Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which had staffers on the ground for the election, “might as well fold up.”

FOLD UP MAYOR Bloomberg!  YOU WASTED YOUR MONEY!  A grassroots group gave YOU the BOOT!

Tamra Farah, brought in the last month of the recall effort as the Campaign Coordinator of the ground game for the Morse Recall by Colorado Citizens Protecting our Constitution, was quoted by Nathan Koppel in the Wall Street Journal on election night that the results should send a clear message to lawmakers that the “American people will exercise their constitutional and legal right to recall elected officials when they are not doing the job they were sworn to do.”

WE have the momentum!  We must not stop now!

When congress returns to Washington on Monday they will be facing six different pieces of gun control legislation!  Now we must all stand together for the other liberty lovers of America!

At the top of the anti-gun agenda in Washington is H.R. 3018.  President Obama and his anti-gun elitists have not been able to pass federal anti-gun legislation so far. 

So the next best thing for them:  TAX those who own and use guns!

Don’t let the elites TAX GUNS to the point that We the People can’t afford what is a RIGHT! 

Known as the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” this law will increase the excise tax and special occupational tax in respect to firearms and to increase the transfer tax on any other.

Fax today and tell them to vote with the people and not the power elite!

Sorry President Obama – you DO NOT get to celebrate a victory for gun control in Colorado.  You are out of touch with the American people and the Constitution!

A small group of liberty lovers, at a grassroots level, put Obama and Bloomberg and their anti-gun steam-roller on notice!  The PEOPLE are smarter than you and Governor Hickenlooper give them credit for!

But it is a fight to the finish!  And we are not finished!  We must continue combine our efforts and fight together to stop the overtaking of American rights and liberties. 

We can do this very same thing nationally!

Fax Congress today – Urge them to vote NO on H.R. 3018 and the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act.”

We know there are very specific freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment to our United States Constitution. 

Don’t let Congress approve taxes or fees that go against the pro-gun community under the “disguise” of safety.  They will try and go around the American people and raise the taxes, which the administration hopes will have the exact same effect!

We are in a fight for the preservation of our freedoms.  Obama’s “millionaire and billionaire friends” are bank-rolling the Liberal media to pass anti-gun legislation.  Don’t be fooled by these media moguls that are peddling leftist policies to America.

We must RENEW our efforts, today to make sure Congress is preserving our right to own a gun.

Make sure the Congress of the United States votes NO on H.R. 3018 – “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act.”

President Obama cannot be allowed to TAX GUN OWNERS under this new law.

Here is how the summary of this ill-fated bill reads:

To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase the excise tax and special occupational tax in respect of firearms and to increase the transfer tax on any other weapon.

Nerves were already on edge due to the Columbine school and the Aurora movie shootings. Obama brought in all the big money to use that emotion to push his agenda.  Colorado told him to go home!

Your faxes will SCREAM NOT to raise the fees and taxes on weapons and the sale of weapons.

Enough is enough.  FAX Congress today.

Tell Congress to vote NO on H.R. 3018 and the “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act.” 

Colorado Governor Hickenlooper played down the recalls, noting it was a small but vocal minority who didn’t understand the law and used emotions instead of facts! 

They thought Colorado didn’t know the facts BUT THEY DID! Let's keep the momentum going!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily
